We turned 2! Also, The Brooklyn Bridge Isn’t Messing Around Anymore

Well it’s official, New York Local Tours is 2 years old today! It’s almost hard to believe that our company has only been around for such a short time. This morning Alex and I got up to vote, and we started to reflect on what an amazing year 2016 has been so far. We’re so grateful to all the new…

A Coney Island Winter

Summer really feels likes it over when the Coney Island Amusement Park closes down for the season. But, not everything in Coney Island goes to sleep for the winter, including our company, New York Local Tours. We will be giving an off-season tour in Coney Island called the Ghosts of Coney Island. Curious? Book us and hear all about it!…

And We’re Back!

The last month or so has been an absolute whirlwind for us, and I feel bad that I’ve been neglecting our blog. But things are finally calming down, and now have time to start writing again!   First of all, Alex and I got married this past month! It was a perfect day, everyone sobbed (especially Alex and I) and…

Happy Birthday, National Park Service!

Today, is the official 100th Birthday of the National Park Service! Happy Birthday! I know that many parks around the U.S. have been doing special stuff this whole year, but today, is a very special day, because on August 25th 1916 was the day that President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill that created the National Park Service, as a new…

Toilet Paper: A Very Poopy History

Alex and I got into a conversation last night right before going to bed and it piqued my curiosity. I was so interested that I lost sleep thinking about it. We were able to do a little research before going to sleep, but I was still intrigued so I did a bit more digging today. And let me tell you,…

A Quick Summer Update

Now that the summer heat is finally a little more merciful, I no longer look like this:   It’s given me the opportunity to reflect on some of the great things that happened this summer. We have started working with the Dutch Consulate here in NYC, and they attended our New Amsterdam tour. Incidentally, they know their Dutch history, and…

Cats > Rats

When you walk around New York City, you are bound to run into some rats. It happens. Sometimes you are waiting for the train and you see them scurrying about the tracks. Sometimes you see them on the street, scavenging amongst the garbage. And if you are really unlucky, they get into your apartment, at which time you should move.…

A Guide to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

This past week, Alex and I had a day off so we decided to play tourist and go visit Ellis Island as well as the Statue of Liberty. We learned a lot from our visit and how to get the most out of your experience. Consider this a how-to guide for getting to the Statue and Ellis Island.   First, one of…

Ok, Twitter! I get it! You’re important!

Back in February, I wrote about how much I just don’t get social media. It’s totally beyond my ability, and whenever I try to do anything it typically results in me embarrassing New York Local Tours, and my tears getting all over the keyboard. It’s a total mess, and not a whole lot has changed for me. Alex, on the…

Kicking Some Ass!

Alex and I have been working on New York Local Tours for almost two years now, and things are going very smoothly. But its always nice to get a little nod in your direction, and get a little reassurance that, yes, you’re doing a good job. We’ve been listing our tours on a site called Viator for a while, and I…